Tuesday, April 26, 2011


It was one Sunday morning I woke up disturbed and
discontent. I woke up with awareness that I was alone on the bed. Panicky, I
groped around and true enough my husband wasn’t there. I look beyond the bed
and saw him on the floor sleeping. A bit annoyed, I poked his shoulder. He
turns on the floor and lied on his back smiling. What are you doing down there?
I asked. I was so used to waking up to his smile and getting kissed with a
“malambing” Good Morning! He stretched his arms and smiled that familiar be
dimpled smile. Oh, I decided to sleep on the floor…he began, and then laughed.
I actually fell coz you kicked me out of bed last night. You were having a nightmare. He got up stretched some more and went out
the door of the room. So there I was lying on the bed thinking…oh he’ll be back
and then maybe we’ll cuddle. But what seemed like an eternity (well the clock
said 15 minutes had passed—but it seemed like forever)….no signs of him
returning. So I drag my sorry ass out of bed and huffed and puffed down the
stairs. I stop midway when I see him puttering around in the kitchen. He looks up like a kid caught with his hand
in the cookie jar. He was cooking breakfast. “I wanted to surprise you…” he
smiled sheepishly as he went on beating a couple of eggs. “A new recipe, I
invented ….” he went on. In my mind, I was silently wishing we ate out
instead…been a long while since we’ve dated. I look at the sink and groan at
the number of pots I’ll have to wash after he cooks. How I wish we had a maid
to do the cleaning.

After breakfast, he settled down on the sofa and turned on
the TV. After an endless switching of channels, he finally settles down to
watching…wrestling! AAAARGGGG! And he pats the sofa so I could sit beside him.
(But I don’t want to watch wrestling you see…I want my Sunday cooking shows!)He
has this habit of switching channels so fast you end up watching 5 TV shows
within the hour. Ang masama pa, he loves holding my hand while watching TV ergo
I couldn’t control the remote. (How sneaky!) After 30 minutes of watching men
grappling each other, I made an excuse to get up from the sofa to call on the

 I decided to call my best
friend. Talking to a female with
unbiased opinion helps. I guess she woke up on the wrong side of the bed too
coz I was greeted with “Hay buti tumawag ka…kakainis talaga itong asawa ko!” I
was going to say the same thing but her endless complaints about her hubby
didn’t give me enough space in the conversation to talk. For one thing, they’ve
been married too long and have lost the touchy-touchy feeling we women
sometimes need in a relationship. Her
husband is not malambing na nga, he’s quite demanding pa. He literally NUDGED
her awake just so she could cook his breakfast in a jiffy. He’s in a hurry daw
to play golf, pero he couldn’t find his socks, his shirt, his pants, his golf
clubs. He wanted her to look for them for him. Then he left without kissing her
goodbye. My friend literally went crazy. I told her, I used to be “inggit” coz
they dated in fancy restaurants (they being a bit well off—very successful
businessmen that couple)…and she goes,” Hah! It feels like business meetings
for me….you know, we end up talking about our business over meals. None of the
romantic stuff! Haaay! He’s so clingy! He’s around me all the time but it’s
because he needs something. Yah, we still make love, but it feels like he just
wants me to let out some stress or something coz he doesn’t seduce me anymore….”

After that long revealing conversation I put down the phone
with a bit of a daze. I look at my husband who was now back in the kitchen. I
go up behind him and tell him, “What are you doing?” He smiled and said,”You were busy on the
phone so I washed the dishes. You go back there and watch TV and rest. It’s a Sunday;
it’s your day off. Save your energy for ….later…” He then gives me that naughty

I hug him from behind and kiss his neck. “Thank you…” I
said. “For what?” He asked. I wanted to
say THANK YOU…that even if I kicked him out of bed, he stayed below and still
watched me sleep. That even if we couldn’t afford to eat out, He’ll cook me a sumptuous
meal. Even if we didn’t have maids, he had no qualms about helping with the
chores and doesn’t feel less macho about it. And even if I had to put up with
his endless channel surfing and wrestling shows, he still held my hand all thru
out….He is not perfect, but close to it. And I wouldn’t have him any other way.
Then I realized how much I love him and how little I appreciated him.

”La Lang, thank you for EVERYTHING!” I hug him some more.

“Hay naku! Mushy ka nanaman!” he jeers. But he meets my lips
for a long delicious kiss.
Now that is what I call…CONTENTMENT.

MARCH 31, 2007

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